
Georgian Smells - BBC Reveal Magazine

About me

Hi, I am Femke de Jong, a Bristol-based Illustrator, originally from the Netherlands.

I studied illustration at UWE from 2005-08. Since have been living in Bristol with my partner and my red cat.

I love to create. Solving problems and tell a story in my work, often whimsical and curious.

My designs are inspired by the warmth of vintage design and I am a huge fan of surrealists like Ernst, Höch, Gilliam, Arcimboldo and Heath Robinson. 

When I am not creating and imagining new projects, I love to ride on my bicycle, read books, nosing around flea markets looking for trinkets, get my hands on a piece of stoneware clay, travel and dive wrecks and reefs.

I am a nature-lover, care about the environment and human and animal rights. I often go out ‘exploring’ to find inspiration and collect stories everywhere I go.

My work is published around the world, some of my clients include : BBC Magazines, New York Times, Times Higher Education, Reader’s Digest and Radio Times, Dennis Publishing.

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